Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications, Vol 6 (2011)

Focusing of electromagnetic waves into a dielectric slab. II. Numerical results

D. Velauthapillai, J. J. Stamnes


Based on existing exact and asymptotic Kirchhoff solutions for focused electromagnetic fields inside a dielectric slab we present numerical comparisons between them also for the special cases of focusing through a single interface or in a single medium. These comparisons show that the exact and asymptotic Kirchhoff solutions for focusing in a single medium or through a single interface agree well, except at observation points near to the interface while a small difference between the two solutions for the focused electrical
field inside a dielectric slab is observed, especially at observation points near to one of the interfaces. This difference is believed to be due to contributions from surface waves, which are not accounted for in the asymptotic Kirchhoff solutions. At low Fresnel numbers focal shift phenomena are observed in all three cases.

© The Authors. All rights reserved. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2011.11036]

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