Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid publications, Vol 6 (2011)

Assessment of the scattering by sub-micron particles in inland waters

M. L. Laanen, S. W. M. Peters, A. G. Dekker, H. J. van der Woerd


Current protocols prescribe 0.2 µm filters for absorption measurements of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter (a(CDOM)). However, a large historical dataset of a(CDOM) was obtained over 0.7 µm filters. Since small particles may pass 0.7 µm filters, a(CDOM) was probably overestimated because of residual scattering. Furthermore, current protocols require suspended matter to be filtered over 0.7 µm. So the 0.2 µm - 0.7 µm fraction is missing from the particles and attributed to enhanced a(CDOM), potentially leading to poor optical closure. In this paper natural water samples from a eutrophic lake were analysed with both filter pore sizes and two different absorption determination methods. Besides a standard bench spectrometer with a cuvette a calibrated Point-Source integrating-Cavity Absorption Meter (PSICAM) was used to gauge the absorption measurements. After filtration over 0.7 µm we found a systematic 8% overestimation of a(CDOM) measured in the cuvette caused by residual scattering. By filtering over 0.2 µm the a(CDOM) cuvette values are 6% underestimated because also a significant fraction of absorption was removed from the sample. As a consequence we recommend testing for coloured residues on the 0.2 µm filter after prime filtration with a GF/F filter. In case of colouration, the method presented in this paper is a fast and simple check to correct the CDOM measurements.

© The Authors. All rights reserved. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2011.11046]

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